Monday, February 9, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Hola lads and lasses. Well is that time of year again. The few days leading up to Valentines Day(V-Day). The days I see boyfriends scrambling to the shops to buy the much over-rated bouquet of roses or the slightly expensive, off the shelf chocolates. Now don't think I'm against all things Valentines Day based on my denigrative(Calendar word meaning; to criticize unfairly or disparage.) attack of it. I just think that these days, us chaps face an uphill battle. Unfortunately for us, its getting harder and harder to prove our true feelings of affection without giving in to the commercialization of V-Day. In my mind, popping out to the shops and buying a bouquet of roses, a card maybe, some chocolates or a teddy bear is too easy. Blame my 'hopeless romanticism', but I hardly find that a way to show your true feelings or your true appreciation of your significant other. I'm not saying, don't go out and buy gifts for your loved one, all I'm saying is that its been ingrained into our minds that when V-Day comes around, its time to take out the wallet and purchase those typical Valentines Day gifts. 

I'd much prefer to do something more meaningful than popping to the shops to buy a gift. Its much too easy in my mind. I'd much prefer to make a nice dinner, pop open a bottle of wine and enjoy the company. It doesn't even have to be with someone that you're romantically involved with. Just someone who you can sit down with and have a good conversation. Which brings me to the title of this discussion. Decisions, Decisions. Now to protect the privacy of certain people, I shall use code for the following. Apologies to all for this. I'll refer to myself as the number 'one' and the other person as number 'thirteen'. Alright, lets begin.

So a bit of backstory, 'one' and 'thirteen' were, the best way to say it, lovers in the not too distant past. Unfortunately, things went a bit pear-shaped which has resulted in "one" and "thirteen" being in a rather precarious position. Both of them have feelings for each other, unfortunately timing has proven itself an enemy with 'thirteen' very recently getting out of a long term relationship. In the time being, other situations have also arisen that make things even more complicated. 'One' and 'thirteen' haven't spoken for a period of time now, which is a real shame as before all of this, 'one' and 'thirteen' were very, very close. Now as V-Day' approaches, 'one' is contemplating whether or not to do something. It doesn't have to be fancy, as stated above, dinner and conversation would be more than satisfactory. Ah, decisions, decisions. I guess we shall see over the course of the following days. "Happy Days" as one of my acquaintances would say. 

Thought of the day: "Is there life on Mars?"
Song(s) of the day: "Life on Mars" - David Bowie & "Sparks" - Coldplay


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