Tuesday, April 14, 2009

time flies when you're having fun...

Time flies when you're having fun. Well, not really. It moves really really slowly when you have nothing to do. Ever since I passed my flight test; my final flight is good old YSBK, time has pulled a disappearing act on me. With nothing to do; no flights to plan and prepare for, no need to go to school etc etc. Kind of ironic how nowadays I can wake up at around 7am-8am with no problems, when just a few weeks ago, it was a challenge to pull myself up for an early morning flight in place of my warm, comfy bed. The timing of everything has been quite good, alot of my mates are also leaving Sydney for good, feels like a end of a era in regards to life here. I doubt our weekly football matches will continue once we're all gone, since the majority of the key players are leaving. Things have changed around here since I first arrived. People have become less outgoing. Back then everyone knew everybody and we all used to have parties every week or so. Nowadays everyone pretty much sticks to their clicks and few venture out of them, guess its because less and less of the seniors are here and the new guys a not so outgoing.
My flight test didn't go as I thought it would, I thought I'd be nervous and everything, but when it finally came, I wasn't scared at all, everything went smoothly and overall it was a very pleasant flight. So pleasant, I even had time to wish the tower happy easter and a final goodbye. As for now its time to pack up my things and head south to Melbourne. So on that note, I shall bid you good night.

Thought of the day: "Happy Days"
Song of the day: "Lay Lady Lay" - Magnet


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