Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update Number One

Wow, has it been a while. I've been meaning to update lately, but something always impedes me from doing so. So what has been happening lately? Well firstly; a new town. Yes I've moved to the very windy and cold Melbourne. So far its been good, starting to get settled down here. The new school is good as well, a big change from my previous school in terms of number of students, the quality of planes and so forth. Other than that, nothing much has been happening. Still internetless, but that should change in the next week or so. Kinda miss the life in Sydney, but its probably the people more than anything, even those who are no longer in Sydney. Well thats about it I guess, so until next time, au revoir.

Thought of the day: "Turning the thermostat to 32 degrees is not alright!"
Song of the day: "Your New Twin Sized Bed" - Death Cab For Cutie



  1. dude.. i have no idea what the picture is saying.. i know its suppose to be funny, but seriously..

  2. Haha yea, i know. I changed it to something more appropriate :P
