This post originates from a friend of mine, at the time she didn't know what to blog about. Coincidently one of her friends suggested that she blog about cows. She hasn't done so yet, so I've taken the liberty to do so myself. Yes. 'Moo' to you too. Cows are actually pretty cool. You can get all kinds of stuff from cows. Milk, butter, cheese and not to forget; delicious steaks. In fashion whore style, the leather from your new Prada lace-ups could also come from the awesome looking cows above.
Cattle, or more colloquially known as 'cows' are a member of the subfamily 'Bovinae' of the family 'Bovidae'. Their most common purpose is for livestock, producing as stated above; meats, dairy products and leather. They are also used as draft animals for the purpose of pulling carts, ploughs and the like. Their hooves can also be made into glue. I distinctly remember a line from The Simpsons, where Lisa decides to become and vegetarian and hallucinates; "You don't eat our meat, but you glue with our feet." if I am not mistaken. In some countries, such as India, they are honoured in religious ceremonies and are revered. Its estimated that there are 1.3 Billion cows in the world. That averages out to around 995, 838, 000 cows per person. Now thats alot of cow. Recent studies have also shown that cows are the number one contributor of green house gases, namely methane, which in a literal sense, is derived from their flatulence. For those who don't have a dictionary or thesaurus near by, it means to fart. The English language is much taken for granted nowadays. Everybody likes a short cut, no time for bombastic words. I on the other hand, prefer to abstain from the short cuts and use the English language to its full extent. Lampoon me if you choose, but someone has to stop the language from more deterioration from today's youth.
Thought of the day: "Thats a pretty awesome haircut for a cow."
Song of the day: "Pain In My Heart" - Otis Redding
rockpaperscissors (or more commonly known in french as 'rochepapierciseaux')
emo cows. hahaha