Sunday, March 29, 2009

A much needed change of scenery...

A much needed change in scenery is in order. Hopefully. A few recent events has brought up this need. Namely my school. Which was once quite a nice place but has gradually changed into 'the twilight zone'. A black-hole of a place, where progress has either come to a complete halt or has become painfully slow. In my situation it has become unbearably slow, having been here for just over a year, I can hardly say I've accomplished much in my time here. 
At the beginning, the promise of finishing my course in 14 months seemed possible, but over time that goal has moved further and further away, to a point with just over a month left on my visa, it is impossible to finish. The school, being fully focused on profits rather than their students have left the 'seniors' for dead. Their new students are progressing, just like we did at the beginning, quite well, but they haven't been here long enough to experience what happens when a new batch of students arrive. The old students are forgotten, like a once loved toy being replaced by a new one. Which is really quite a shame. As much as I like to avoid my conclusion on this, I have to honestly say that in terms of the school and progress, I've pretty much wasted a year of my life. I have no regrets though, because the people I've met along the way and the friends I have earned and lost has made me who I am today. I'll always remember all those time we had parties, hung out, went flying together and so forth. But I have to do what's best for my future, so I have to move on from this place and continue elsewhere. I had to put an end to the school wasting my time and money.
So hopefully, if all goes to plan, in the coming days and next few weeks, I shall wrap up my affairs here and move off to Melbourne to continue and finish there. As I said earlier, its a real shame, as I did enjoy my time here in Sydney. The people here are great, the school, not so much.
Wrapping up, I've got quite a bit of work before I head down to Melbourne, so its time to get serious and start on a clean slate. I'll update in the next few days. Until then, over and out.

Thought of the day: "I'll get you Wayfarers when you pass your CPL"
Song of the day: "Said I'm Sorry" - British India


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