Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feeling Interminable...

Feeling interminable. Calendar word meaning seeming to have no end. And unfortunately, thats what this past week has felt like. Maybe its the constant dull and gray weather which has become rather monotonous lately. Awaking to the same sun-less, wet and cold. Granted it was a welcome change from the scorching heat-wave we had the previous week, but I have to admit that being idle has gotten me slightly disenchanted. At the moment, I'm really miss flying. Seems like a lifetime since I was last up in the freedom of the air, by freedom, I mean figuratively speaking, as my fellow pilots would know. For those who don't, it may seem like freedom up there, but it isn't. There is a plethora of rules and procedures which must be followed, and which I respectfully and without hesitation, follow to the word as we all know that they are in place to make flying safe. And I assume we all know that bad things happen when procedure is not followed. 

Valentine's Day was a rather uneventful one for yours truly. Frankly the whole situation between myself and my acquaintance has taken a rather sour turn. We've talked things through and promised each other that it wouldn't be any different from before. Unfortunately, thats easier said than done, and is proving so in the past days. I was invited to a night on the town with a group of mates which also included her, and the whole time I felt like I was a ghost amongst the crowd. Sure I socialized with the others, and I tried my best to socialize with her as well, but for some reason it just felt awkward and wrong. It came to a point where I needed to go aside to clear my head. After a quick smoke, I pretty much lost track of time thinking things through, so badly that a couple of my mates went looking for me. One of them knew what was going on, so we had a quick chat about it and then went back to the group. Once all was said and done, we heading back home. Some of us in a more drunken state than usual. One of those was the girl in question. She was really struggling with it and to be brutally honest, as much as I wanted to, I didn't help her. I couldn't help her. After taking my moment of solitude earlier, I pretty much concluded that it was not the brightest idea that I tagged along that night. So as the rain poured down, and the others scurried for shelter, there I was, lighting a cigarette, sitting on the bench with my beloved trench coat. Some would call me crazy for sitting in the pouring rain, but it felt rather appropriate at the time and I admit it was quite relaxing in the circumstances. So that brings us here, to the present. Hardly a weekend to remember if you were to ask me.
On another note, a mate of mine's brother has just come for a visit. He's a pretty cool guy, so at least that will shake things up a bit. Until next time.

Thought of the day: "Feeling interminable..."
Song of the day: "Hearts On Fire" - Cut Copy


1 comment:

  1. ehh these things happen. nothing much we can do about it
